Monday, 12 March 2018

Human Rights and Kitchen Gardens: A Recipe for Sustainable Development

Over the past three weeks we have been busy helping the community and KOPAKAMA, raising awareness on human rights and gender equality.

During the first two weeks we met 800 of the 1002 members of Kopakama during their meetings, in the different zones of Nyagatare, Bumba, Cyarusera and Mageragere.
We used the format of a short dramatised sketch to deliver our message in the first two zone meetings. The content of our message touched on human rights issues like school dropouts, gender inequality, the importance of savings, buying health insurance, the issues of drinking and polygamy.


Figure 1. International Service volunteers exploring Human Rights using sketch to Cooperative farmers

In brief, the sketch was related to coffee farming where an alcoholic man was abusing his wife and his children. Then, after getting advice and information from KOPAKAMA members, he changed his mind and worked together with his wife in the cooperative to support their family.

Then in the last two zone meetings we used posters. Every volunteer stood up one by one to speak about chosen human rights that related to the local community and coffee farming. We then asked questions to the audience to see if they had been engaged with what we were saying, and we found that they had learnt and understood the message we were portraying.

Figure 2. Volunteers presenting farmers Human rights using posters

To continue the work of past cohorts in addressing issues of malnutrition we built a Kitchen garden for the most vulnerable people living in a nearby model village located in Mushubati sector. This was to show them how you can use a small amount of land for a big impact; cultivating beetroots, carrots, cabbages and green vegetable (dodo). This will serve 10 families with vegetables for a nutritious diet, preventing malnutrition.

Figure 3. International service volunteers building kitchen garden.

Figure 4. International service volunteers with finished kitchen garden.
Written by Eric Ntwari

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